Establishment of the committee

The inauguration of Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Commnittee

The Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneur Alliance sets up a stage for young people to innovate, start businesses, and strive to build dreams. The Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Committee of the Alliance was established in Hong Kong in October 2022, bringing together a group of young talents who are committed to building the Bay Area. It is committed to strengthening communication between the Bay Area and the world, creating a platform for resource integration, open sharing, and advancing side by side.
The inauguration of Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Commnittee
On October 28, 2022, the establishment meeting of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Committee and the Outstanding Youth Forum were grandly held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, with Ling Junjie, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, serving as the chairman. Cai Guanshen, a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneur Alliance, sent a message to outstanding young entrepreneurs present. "We look forward to you becoming the vanguard force and link of the Outstanding Youth Committee, strengthening communication with young entrepreneurs, strengthening communication with the Greater Bay Area, the whole of China, and even overseas, and jointly creating a platform for resource docking, open sharing, and advancing side by side

The Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Committee under the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurs Alliance has been established after two years of deliberation. The Vice Chairmen of the Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Committee in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area are Ye Changchun, Cai Jiamin, Zhong Xueyong, Cai Jiesi, Chen Shaoshan, and Chen Shiting. They are all successful young leaders from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, achieving remarkable achievements in different industries. Cai Guanyingqin, Director of the Intellectual Property Commission, serves as an honorary advisor.

Cai Guanshen: Hebei strengthens connections and creates good results

Dr. Cai Guanshen said in his speech, "The outstanding young entrepreneurs present here have made outstanding contributions to the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and the development of the country. We hope that everyone can join hands, unite more outstanding business elites, expand influence, and improve services. In the new journey of building a modern and powerful country, we can use our collective wisdom and strength to jointly create more extraordinary achievements

Ling Junjie: Consolidate the Power of Young Entrepreneurs

Chairman Ling Junjie delivered a speech saying: The world is currently in a period of drastic change. The development strategy of the Greater Bay Area is an important pillar for countries to respond to both internal and external challenges and achieve a dual cycle of internal and external economy. The establishment of the Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Committee is timely, not only to gather the strength of young entrepreneurs in the Greater Bay Area, but also to create platforms for communication and sharing, and to drive more resources. The Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Committee also looks forward to active participation, organizing various activities, and spending money to contribute Strength, offer advice and suggestions, drive more young entrepreneurs to work together for a better tomorrow in the Greater Bay Area. “

The members of the Presidium include over 50 representatives to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, including business leaders from the six major chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, the Guangdong Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Macau Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and multiple national Chinese chambers of commerce. They cover almost all industries in the Greater Bay Area, from traditional to innovative technology, and have received high recognition and attention from relevant central departments and the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao. So far, the alliance has held three sessions of Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Selection, selecting 257 outstanding young entrepreneurs who have made outstanding achievements in the Greater Bay Area. With the support of all parties, especially the alliance, the Committee of Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs has emerged. The organizer stated that in the future, more activities will be held to unleash the energy of every outstanding youth, unite more new generation of business elites, and make new contributions to building a modern and powerful country< Br/>
After the establishment conference, the "Outstanding Youth Forum" was held. Professor Ba Shusong, Managing Director and Chief Chinese Economist of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and Dr. Li Jianzhu, Executive Editor of "Thinking about Hong Kong" and former Advisor of the Unity Hong Kong Fund, delivered speeches on the themes of "RMB Internationalization and Financial Innovation in the Greater Bay Area" and "The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Trend of Sino US Relations". Subsequently, more than ten outstanding youth representatives, including Chen Shiting, Bai Haifeng, Cai Jiesi, Guo Haoquan, Yilong, Zhong Xueyong, Tang Jiaqi, Lin Zhiying, Liang Yingwen, Chen Jiaxian, and Shen Huilin, shared the development and prospects of different industries in the Greater Bay Area based on their personal experiences and observations, and interacted with everyone to explore new opportunities for win-win cooperation.
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