Union News

The inaugural Greater Bay Area China-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit was held in Guangzhou

On 29th October, the 50th anniversary celebration of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations cum the inaugural Great Bay Area China-Japan Entrepreneurs Summit was held in Guangzhou. Over 80 representatives from Japanese companies and more than 100 Chinese delegates attended the event.

Dr. Johnathan Choi, Guangdong-HK-Macao Bay Area Entrepreneurs Union Chairman, in his video speech, highlighted the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurs Alliance's efforts in building platforms for government-business interaction, innovation-driven initiatives, business cooperation, youth entrepreneurship support, and charitable endeavors. The Greater Bay Area has become a region of high economic cooperation intensity between China and Japan, with significant investment value for Japanese businesses in China, particularly as one of the areas with the highest concentration of Japanese entrepreneurs. In 2019, the alliance organized a Greater Bay Area promotion event in Tokyo, attended by over 1,200 elites from the Chinese and Japanese business and political sectors, with more than 500 entrepreneurs from the Greater Bay Area participating. This event further enhanced economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and injected new vitality.

Consul General Keiji Kamei of Japan in Guangzhou expressed that the exchange has yielded fruitful results for Japanese investment and Greater Bay Area businesses, and it will continue to elevate the mutually beneficial cooperation between Japan and China to new heights.

Zhu Xiaojun, Director of the Guangdong Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau, expressed in his speech that the Greater Bay Area has always been a fertile ground of interest and investment for Japanese companies. As the economic and trade cooperation between the Greater Bay Area and Japan continues to expand, with deeper integration of industrial and supply chains, it is expected to spark even more cooperation opportunities in the future.

YAU Ying Wah, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSAR in his video speech, emphasized in his speech that the theme of the summit, mutual benefit and win-win outcomes, aligns with the spirit of the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Yu Yusheng, Acting Chairman of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, introduced the investment characteristics of Macao in his video speech, emphasizing the complementary and mutually beneficial nature of the 9+2 city clusters in the Bay Area.

During the summit, Xinhua Group's Liaoning Healthcare Company, Panjin Vocational and Technical College, and Japan's Matsuyama Gakuen jointly signed the "China-Japan Cooperation in Education Agreement." Consul General Keiji Kamei and Guangdong-HK-Macao Bay Area Entrepreneurs Union Vice Chairman Jason Choi of the alliance witnessed the signing, expressing their expectations for the establishment of a new model of education-oriented cooperation between China and Japan, driven by demand and focused on providing education for elderly care professionals, and its introduction into the Greater Bay Area.